

Purchasing G-Dry Machines;

We provide pre-sales and after-sales services throughout Turkey and many locations in the world. Our food drying machines, which are designed according to many production types, are available in energy type, drying type, various sizes and capacity options. All the structural elements required for technological, safe, structurally high quality and hygienic food drying are standard in all our machines.


In our food drying machines equipped with superior capabilities, structural changes can be made in accordance with your business and production model. You can request a structural change by choosing among our food dryer models. Our engineers examine your change requests and apply the necessary changes to the machine design in line with the suitability of the demands. Your food dryer is manufactured in accordance with the customized design.

Special Machine Manufacturing;

We also manufacture food drying machines specific to your factory or business that can fully respond to your production type. In this service, our engineers visit your company and make a discovery in the area where the machine will be operated. A detailed report is prepared for maximum production and minimum operating cost in the work area. By deciding on the most suitable capacity or number of machine type or model to meet your company's production needs, a report is presented to you. Upon your approval, food dryer production starts. After the production is completed, all operational and safety tests are completed and a food dryer is installed in the designated area in your facility. After this stage, the operators who will use the machine are given the necessary training on the use of food dryer. Annual periodic maintenance and repairs will be carried out by our company.

For Food Dryer Pre-Requests and Requests;

+90 850 255 0 737
Request Form

Request form

Your message will be answered within working hours (09:00 - 18:00).